For our customers convenience we provide virtual estimates and appointments through the mobile application.
Hardyston Collision Services is family owned full service automotive collision repair facility located in Sussex county New Jersey. Our trained and experienced staff are ready to assist you with towing, estimating the cost of repairs, insurance claims and car rentals. Our body shop is equipped with state of the art frame, measuring and welding equipment and our paint department uses environmentally friendly water based finishes.
If you are an individual who values quality craftsmanship and attention to detail – Hardyston Collision Services is here to give you the ultimate customer care experience.

- Free Estimates
- All Insurance Claims Handled Promptly
- Light and Heavy Collision Repair
- Domestic and Foreign Vehicles
- Aluminium Repair
- Computerized Color Matching
- Custom Body Work
- Glass Replacement
- Towing Service Available
- Fully Licensed and Insured

Hardyston Collision Services is proud to be a Gold Class collision repair business. The Gold Class recognition indicates that our technicians are trained in proper repair techniques and procedures that contribute to the complete and safe repair of your vehicle.